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ETTER – An American Growth Story – Part #5

In Parts 1-4, we talked about Goal Setting, Building a Plan, Setting your KPI’s and Creating Culture and Building your Team.  The fifth part of building a great business is building a system of accountability to ensure that you stay on track and keep focused on the plan.

Building an accountability system is key to your success.  In my experience, this is where most planning efforts fail.  You go off to a strategic planning session, make great progress, develop a plan and then fail to put the accountability and discipline in place to ensure the plan is achieved.  At ETTER, we hold Leadership meetings twice a month and they are built around accountability to the plan.  In addition, we hold quarterly company meetings where the strategic plan is reviewed and we discuss our progress to the plan.  To the entire company.  This creates the accountability we need to ensure that we are focused, on task and achieving results.

So, the Five Key Steps to Building a Business;

1. Goal Setting

2. Building a Plan

3. Developing and Tracking your KPI’s

4. Creating a Winning Culture and Building your Team

5. Building an Accountability System.

It works for us!