With the Mayoral election over in New York City, we at ETTER were concerned with the impact on Mayor Bloomberg’s PlaNYC – Released in 2007, PlaNYC was an unprecedented effort undertaken by Mayor Bloomberg to prepare the city for one million more residents, strengthen our economy, combat climate change, and enhance the quality of life for all New Yorkers. The Plan brought together over 25 City agencies to work toward the vision of a greener, greater New York.
Here are some snippets about Bill de Blasio’s future policies..
“Bill de Blasio has some big green shoes to fill when he takes over the office on New Year’s day. But, from what we’ve seen so far, it looks like he may carry on Michael Bloomberg’s legacy of environmental stewardship.”
“As mayor, Bill de Blasio will convene public and private sector actors to expand and deepen PlaNYC, and he will update the plan every year on Earth Day. ”
“As mayor, Bill de Blasio will expand the city’s investment in large-scale clean energy production, including wind, solar, geothermal, hydropower and biofuels. Not only would such a transition reduce New York City’s carbon footprint, it would expand economic opportunities — from entrepreneurs to production and installation jobs. Bill de Blasio will also advocate at the state level for the New York Solar Act, which will provide additional incentives to sup- port the adoption of solar energy production.
Bill de Blasio will make every government-owned building as green as is financially viable by 2020. For the private sector, Bill de Blasio will continue the commitment to the New York City Energy Efficiency Corporation. He will also replicate Chicago’s public-private partnership model to create more funding for energy efficiency and renewable energy projects. This includes direct loans for energy efficiency in buildings and “Energy Services Agreements (ESA),” where energy efficiency work is packaged as a service that building owners pay for through savings with limited upfront cost to the owner.
To cut electricity consumption and reduce power outages, Bill de Blasio knows we need a long-term vision to upgrade the grid that delivers electricity to New York City homes. This means developing a comprehensive strategy to deploy smart meters that allow consumers to better manage consumption, and enable utilities to better manage peak energy loads. Bill de Blasio will work with Albany to establish real-time pricing options for electricity to decrease energy consumption and energy bills for participating New Yorkers. He will also support increasing the size of solar and alternative energy installations that can use net metering, which allows homes and businesses to feed energy that hasn’t been used back into the grid.
All great news for ETTER!
ETTER Engineering is a recognized expert in Process Heating, Combustion and Fuel Oil to Gas Conversions, helping companies improve energy efficiency, provide safe working environments and making our environment green since 1940. We offer Custom Manufactured Solutions, Outstanding Field Service, ETTER Products and we are Sales Representatives for Boilers, Burners, Waste Heat Recovery and a full line of Regulators, Meters, Valves and other parts. Please see our Line Card for our full offerings, subject to territory restrictions.