ETTER Engineering has the solution to all your process heating needs. Our package heaters come in both direct and in-direct designs, with capacities up to 20 MMBTUH. When you need to heat large volumes of air, ETTER has your solution. The ETTER Engineering packaged heater provides you with a complete “Plug & Play” packaged heater system, ready to run. The package heater system is custom sized for your individual application, as well as built to the latest codes. Each package heater system is factory tested prior to shipping so you are ready for a quick and easy installation and start up on site.
Package Heater System Includes:
• Burner with combustion blower.
• Welded steel, double wall insulated housing.
• Mounted Gas Train with all necessary valving, pressure switches, gas cocks, gauges, and gas flow controls.
• Electronic control panel with FM approved flame safety, temperature controllers, high limit, combustion blower controls, and other necessary equipment and interlocks.
• The ETTER Combustion Control Panels built in house in our own UL Certified Panel Shop, approval for flame safety controls.
• Other options include PLC controlled systems, skid mounted assemblies with fans, and interconnecting ductwork, and many other customized features.
• Capacity ranges from 50,000 BTUH to 20 MMBTUH.